
Checkmate patterns in chess

41 Different checkmate patterns you can use to win in chess.

Anastasia's mate
Anastasia's mate
Check by the Rook and the escape squares are controlled by the Knight

Anderssen's mate
Anderssen's mate
Check by the Rook. The pawn which is protected by the King protects the Rook. The King controls also the escape square of the opponent King.

Arabian mate
Arabian mate
Check by the Rook and the escape square is controlled by the Rook. Knight controls the other escape square and it defends the Rook.

Back rank mate
Back-rank mate
The pawns prevent the escape of the King. By playing our Rook we can checkmate the King.

Balestra mate
Balestra mate
Check by the Bishop and the escape squares are controlled by the Queen.

Bishop and Knight mate
Bishop and Knight mate
The opponent King is confined in the corner. Check by the Bishop and this escape squares are controlled by the Knight and the King.

Blackburne's mate
Blackburne's mate
Checkmate by the Bishop . Knight protects the Bishop and it controls the escape square. Other escape squares are controlled by the other Bishop.

Blind swine mate
Blind swine mate
Checkmate by 2 Rooks

Boden's mate
Boden's mate
We use 2 Bishops. One Bishop checks and the other Bishop controls the escape squares.

Corner mate
Corner mate
A mate by a Knight and a Rook Check by the Knight and the Rook controls the escape squares.

Damiano's bishop mate
Damiano's bishop mate
Queen and the Bishop cooperate for this mate. Check by the Queen and Bishop defends the Queen.

Damiano's mate
Damiano's mate
Checkmate by the Queen. The pawn defends the Queen and it controls the escape square of the opponent King.

Double bishop mate
Double bishop mate
Check by one of the Bishop and the the other Bishop controls the escape square.

Dovetail mate  or Cozio's mate
Dovetail mate or Cozio's mate
it is named after a study of Carlo Cozio. Check by the Queen and checkmate. Black Queen prevents the escape of the Black King.

Epaulette mate
Epaulette mate
Checkmate by the Queen. The escape squares of Black King are occupied by its own pieces .

Fool's mate
Fool's mate
This is a checkmate trap for novice players.

Greco's mate
Greco's mate
It is named after the Italian checkmate cataloguer Gioachino Greco. Checkmate is made by the cooperation of the Queen and the Bishop.

Hook mate
Hook mate
Checkmate by the Rook. The Knight defends the Rook. And it controls the escape square a6. Pawn defends the Knight and it controls the other escape square a5.

Kill box mate
Kill box mate
Checkmate by the Rook but the main role is to the Queen. Queen defends the Rook. And it also controls the 3 escape squares

King and two bishops mate
King and two bishops mate
Check by one of the Bishop and the other Bishop controls the escape square.

King and two knights mate
King and two knights mate
This mate is possible if Black blunders. If Black plays the correct moves , this mate will not happen.

Ladder mate or lawnmower mate
Ladder mate or lawnmower mate
Checkmate ny 2 Rooks. You can also use a Rook and a Queen for this mate.

Légal's mate
Légal's mate
Check by the Knight. Knight and Bishop control the escape squares

Lolli's mate
Lolli's mate
It is named after Giambattista Lolli , Italian player. Checkmate by the Queen which is protected by its pawn.

Max Lange's mate
Max Lange's mate
It is named after the German chess player Max Lange. Checkmate by the Queen which is defended by the Bishop which controls the escape square of the Black King.

Mayet's mate
Mayet's mate
Checkmate by the Rook. And the Rook is protected by the Bishop.

Mighty queen mate
Mighty queen mate
Checkmate by the Queen which also controls the escape square.

Minor piece mate
Minor piece mate
Checkmate by the Bishop and and the Knight controls the escape squares of Black King.

Morphy's mate
Morphy's mate
It is named after the American chess player Paul Morphy. Checkmate by the Bishop and the Rook controls the escape square.

Opera mate
Opera mate
It is a checkmate attack to an uncastled King. Check by the Rook which is defended by the Bishop.

Pawn mate  or David and Goliath mate
Pawn mate or David and Goliath mate
Checkmate by a pawn which is protected by the other pawn which controls also the escape square of the Black King. The other escape squares are controlled by the Rook.

Pillsbury's mate
Pillsbury's mate
It is named after the American chess player Harry Nelson Pillsbury. Checkmate by the Rook and the Bishop prevents the escape of Black King.

Queen mate
Queen mate
This is a typical checkmate by the Queen.

Réti's mate
Réti's mate
It is named after Richard Réti Austro-Hungarian, later Czechoslovakian chess player . Four Black pieces are around the Black King and they prevent the escape of the Black King. Checkmate by the Bishop which is protected by the Rook.
Rook mate or box mate
Rook mate or box mate
This is a basic checkmate by the Rook.

Scholar's mate
Scholar's mate
You can use it when you play against a novice player. After the bad move White checkmates.

Smothered mate
Smothered mate
Black King is surrounded by its own pieces. It has no square to go. Therefore after the move of the Knight. Checkmate.

Suffocation mate
Suffocation mate
Check by the Knight and the Bishop controls the escape squares of the Black King.

Swallow's tail mate or Guéridon mate
Swallow's tail mate or Guéridon mate
Check by the Queen which is protected by the Rook.

Triangle mate
Triangle mate
Checkmate by the Queen which is supported by a Rook on the same file 2 squares away. Black pawn prevents the escape of the King.

Vukovic's mate
Vukovic's mate
Checkmate by the Rook which is protected by the King and the Knight controls the escape squares of the Black King.

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